
My Online Presence

I have to admit that I do not have the most prominent presence on social media. I was raised by old-fashioned parents that made me from a young age, call someone not text, write handwritten thank-you notes, and really appreciate the value of true human communication and connection. This has carried through into my adult life and also impacted the way that I use social media as well. I find more joy in talking voice-to-voice with people, finding new hobbies, and being present then using my phone all of the time. I personally use social media as an outlet to showcase samples of my writing, my political views in a way that is respectful and absolutely open for productive debating, monumental moments in my life, as well as ways for me to share my sense of fashion to the world. I grew up with two older sisters so I also learned that the way you present yourself to the world has a huge impact on how you will be treated.  I decided from the age of 17, when I created my first Instagram, that


The first thing that comes to mind when I think about the concept of disinformation is the direct correlation that is has to the Holocaust. During WWII, the reason why are so many people did not realize the horrors that were occurring at the concentration camps - the starvation, the unjust murders of millions of people, extreme manual labor, and cruel scientific experiments was because society was not able to see the accurate depiction of these concentration camps. Disinformation goes hand in hand with propaganda because it obscures and covers up the real, harsh truth and conveys to society a totally inaccurate picture of what is actually occurring in the world to prevent activists and people unafraid to make a change ill-informed to keep a main group of people in full control of a society and living under their false pretenses. What people were being shown in these promotional videos about concentration camps were images of children playing together in fields, getting three square m


The Speech Theory that I think is the most profound is the one concerning Self-Actualization. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the concept of self-actualization is defined as the place where people have reached their highest personal potential in whatever it is that they feel passionate about now that all physical and mental needs can be made. This concept is an integral part of speech because this can allow for people to communicate with one another or for people of all different ethnicities, orientations, and genders to express themselves and to be be understood by any artistic form or method of personal expression.   People find that they can relate to people the most based on their own stability and way of expressing oneself to maintain that stability. People achieve this overall stability via Self-Actualization because it serves as the outlet to express and create out emotions, ideas, and views in a more dynamic way that everyone can relate to in some way or another. Self-A

Diffusion Theory

I personally think that a good example of the diffusion theory through social media platforms would be TikTok. It is an app that, over the past couple years, has gained a significant amount of momentum and publicity. With this app, you can post certain catchy content - whether that be a skit of some sort, a dance a most recent pop hit, or doing a TikTok challenge. TikTok challenges are really unique because they are the one thing they does not really involve speech per se, but it still brings people together through the act of expression. It has completely reshaped the way that we advertise, cr eate, and communicate with each other as a whole. An appeal about TikTok is that there are many influencers out there who are creating new trendy dances to the latest hits and setting the example for how to make the absolute most out of the social media platform.  There are also people who use TikTok as new way to showcase and advertise their brands to a wider group of people - specifically

EOTO #1-Kindle

The kindle is the revolutionary and convenient way to enjoy reading books everywhere- traveling, at the beach, or even just lounging at home to stay entertained while social distancing. It also is a great way to purchase and store all of of your books as opposed to organizing and keeping track of hard-copy and paperback books. It has completely changed the way that books are published, the way we both share and store books, and has also increased the value of reading and enjoying books as well. With purchasing a kindle, comes the immediate access to thousands of novels, various literary excerpts and pieces, and even journals (through some technological maneuvering).  With this efficient and simplified access, grandparents can now easily share their favorite novels with their grandchildren, people can further improve their vocabulary critical thinking skills through constant exposure to books, and students can keep up with necessary readings essential for their course work is they are o


Anti-war is becoming a common theme in American society nowadays because of, perhaps, how open-minded,  strong-willed, and inclusive the younger generation is as a whole. The truth about war and why people love it never really related to people’s patriotism, rather, it is more often than not related to money and the overall profit that can be made off of a war. It can also be more territorial as well. However, money is a significant aspect of war and will always be a huge part of it. Our US endows billions of dollars to US defense, money that could be used to not only b enefit American society as a whole, but also to benefit the world as well. A lot of people think that it is unnecessary for the US to have an army so huge and powerful.  The money that goes to defense could easily be allotted to bettering communities that face constant poverty and crime, so that they may be provided with better resources and educational facilities to obtain higher- paying jobs. We could also use that

Gone with the Wind

Gone with The Wind is a classic period piece that shows a young women’s emotional and romantic coming-of-age journey throughout the Civil War. Scarlett O’Hara is a beautiful, naive young heiress whose only concern is what her marriage prospects are in pursuing an engaged man before the war starts and during, she goes through a complete character transformation while taking care of her sister-in-law and even delivering her baby, and then after, when she becomes a mother, married to wealth, and a successful businesswoman in the lumber industry. The set in Gone with the Wind was ahead of its time and very realistic looking for that era and time period and the movie also depicted what slavery would have looked like at the time. Mammy is depicted in the film as a close friend and mother figure of Scarlett’s as opposed to a servant, she constantly stays by her side and is treated as an integral part of each family she raises children with.  Hattie McDaniel, the actress who portrayed Mamm