EOTO #1-Kindle

The kindle is the revolutionary and convenient way to enjoy reading books everywhere- traveling, at the beach, or even just lounging at home to stay entertained while social distancing. It also is a great way to purchase and store all of of your books as opposed to organizing and keeping track of hard-copy and paperback books. It has completely changed the way that books are published, the way we both share and store books, and has also increased the value of reading and enjoying books as well. With purchasing a kindle, comes the immediate access to thousands of novels, various literary excerpts and pieces, and even journals (through some technological maneuvering). 

With this efficient and simplified access, grandparents can now easily share their favorite novels with their grandchildren, people can further improve their vocabulary critical thinking skills through constant exposure to books, and students can keep up with necessary readings essential for their course work is they are out sick for awhile or on vacation. The kindle is also a very useful technological necessity to have during the current COVID-19 pandemic due to the fact that children need stimulation right now that they are currently not getting from school and other social environments as well, so it is up to parents to continue to find ways to recreate that stimulation and keep providing them with fun sources to education during this social distancing period. The kindle allows for you to ha

ve convenient access to your own personal library whenever you would like. The revolutionary kindle was released in 2007, the same year that the first iphone was released! 

People were surprised at the innovative new way that books could be released and purchased all through one savvy tablet - no need to constantly go to the public library or local bookstore. This became an easy way for book lovers to get quick and efficient access to books for themselves and their children. It is also started to become widely used in classroom settings as well due to their efficiency, as well as for college students to have access to their necessary textbooks via the internet so that they no longer have to take their heavy books to class everyday. Amazon had developed a sturdy reputation for selling books online and innovatively created this tablet as one of their first official hardware products to sell. The original kindle was only supposed to have the purpose of purchasing and storing books. However, this concept changed dramatically with the growing popularity of the kindle fire, similar to the original, except that has access to other applications and even the internet, so that it actually seems to mimic the functions of an ipad. 



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