Diffusion Theory

I personally think that a good example of the diffusion theory through social media platforms would be TikTok. It is an app that, over the past couple years, has gained a significant amount of momentum and publicity. With this app, you can post certain catchy content - whether that be a skit of some sort, a dance a most recent pop hit, or doing a TikTok challenge. TikTok challenges are really unique because they are the one thing they does not really involve speech per se, but it still brings people together through the act of expression. It has completely reshaped the way that we advertise, cr

eate, and communicate with each other as a whole. An appeal about TikTok is that there are many influencers out there who are creating new trendy dances to the latest hits and setting the example for how to make the absolute most out of the social media platform. 

There are also people who use TikTok as new way to showcase and advertise their brands to a wider group of people - specifically younger people who have an interest in the latest fashion from renowned brands. These are brands are also being innovatively advertised through the young, popular TikTok influencers-whose profound social media presence further showcases what they wear and what the current clothing trends are. This is why they are asked to be models and the “new face” for some companies who want to show that they can keep up with the times and the hottest trends, especially during times like this, where social media is the only platform that they can really depend on for this research. 

Link: https://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/SB/BehavioralChangeTheories/BehavioralChangeTheories4.html


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