
Anti-war is becoming a common theme in American society nowadays because of, perhaps, how open-minded,  strong-willed, and inclusive the younger generation is as a whole. The truth about war and why people love it never really related to people’s patriotism, rather, it is more often than not related to money and the overall profit that can be made off of a war. It can also be more territorial as well. However, money is a significant aspect of war and will always be a huge part of it. Our US endows billions of dollars to US defense, money that could be used to not only b

enefit American society as a whole, but also to benefit the world as well. A lot of people think that it is unnecessary for the US to have an army so huge and powerful. 

The money that goes to defense could easily be allotted to bettering communities that face constant poverty and crime, so that they may be provided with better resources and educational facilities to obtain higher- paying jobs. We could also use that money to fund causes such as the Australian wildfires, the floods in Indonesia, and those that continue to constantly face starvation in third world countries. We tend to think war solves all of our problems when in reality, it seems to create more and create a more visible barrier between us and the rest of the world and their issues and the assistance that other countries need from us.



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