My Online Presence

I have to admit that I do not have the most prominent presence on social media. I was raised by old-fashioned parents that made me from a young age, call someone not text, write handwritten thank-you notes, and really appreciate the value of true human communication and connection. This has carried through into my adult life and also impacted the way that I use social media as well. I find more joy in talking voice-to-voice with people, finding new hobbies, and being present then using my phone all of the time. I personally use social media as an outlet to showcase samples of my writing, my political views in a way that is respectful and absolutely open for productive debating, monumental moments in my life, as well as ways for me to share my sense of fashion to the world. I grew up with two older sisters so I also learned that the way you present yourself to the world has a huge impact on how you will be treated. 

I decided from the age of 17, when I created my first Instagram, that this is the time while approaching my adult years what image of myself that I want to present to the world. I decided I wanted society, classmates, and my family to view me as an educated, mature, sophisticated young woman and I conveyed these traits through my social media.You wouldn’t show up to a job interview in a provocative, too revealing dress, would you? Then why post it on your social media for all to see and where future employers will wonder if you would present the right image. While I do believe social media is important for maintaining human connection and expressing oneself, I do not think every aspect of my life should be available for people to view on social media so if I know that I will be going somewhere will alcohol will be present, I turn my phone off and tell my friends not to let me use my phone and I will even check the next day to make sure I am fully aware of what I may have accidentally posted to my stories so that I do not project the less professional side of myself. 


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